Morning Retreat
50 min ~ $115 /80 min ~ $159Start your day with deeply calming Swidish style massage, available Sunday to Thursday from 10am to 4pm. Combining Grapfruit and Rosemary to uplift and refresh, along with heated herbal weigted compresses help to calm the mind and focus on the now.
Wind Down
50 min ~ $130 / 80 min ~ $174Retreat into a spece where the stress dose not follow.Combining Lavender and Eucalyptus helps to decongest the mind and decompress over worked muscles. Using light to medium pressure to insure cortosol levels are lowered just in time for a restfull sleep.Available 4pm to 7pm Sunday to Thsursday
Golden Renew
50 min ~ $150 /80 min ~ $180Polish away the winter blues, with a warm bown sugar and spice scrub. Finishing with a rich citrus and ginger balm to add supplenes and a golden sheen.
Destress Body and Sole
50 min ~ $175 /80 min ~ $225Combinding a restoring massage with a soothign foot and hand treatment to help hydrate and sooth over worked and stressed limbs.Using a rich balm with notes of citrus and honey replenish skin to its former glory.
Aromatherapy ~ $15 - Combine multiple esential oils to help target specific benifits to assist in a deeper state of relaxation.
Leef Recovery ~ $20/$40 - CBD and a blend of antyinflamitory herbs are used to help calm over active nerves.
Warm Stones ~ $20/$40 - Heated to over 125 degres stones are used to massage and relax muscles.
De-Stress ~ $25 - Aditional pressure, streching, and pressure points are applied to help regain a fuller rainge of motion and mobility.
Naturaly Nurture ~ $25 - Prenatal and Postnatal safe products are selected as well as specific massage techniques are used to help bring a true sence of pace.
Back/Foot Poliish ~ $15/$30 - A seasonal polish of grains and sheabutter is used to remove dullness and regain supleness.
Mini Herbal Facial ~ $40 - A herbal steem is used to prep the skin for a light cleans and hydrating cooling mask, finishing with a hydrating plant based retinal.
Chromatherapy Soak ~ $40 - Retreat into a LED charged jetted Tub.Choose from a Hydrating Coconut Milk, Relaxing Valerian Hops with Lavender,Muscle Recovery Soak.